The Secret Singers

Venue Axis Ballymun
date January 31st 2025
PHOTO Ecardo Baader

Bold, uplifting, sassy, heartfelt, haunting and true.

A timeless blend of sparkling originals, traditional Irish, folk, blues, rockabilly and pop, honouring all that is different and all that connects us. On the eve of Imbolg/Lá Fhéile Bríde, Ireland’s ancient celebration of the Goddess, four women enchant by sharing their unique stories through song.

The Secret Singers supports singers who are women from diverse backgrounds who are already on a musical journey but who are not yet widely recognised. This year we are honoured to work with amazing singers from Ballymun and North Dublin – Aoife Fitzpatrick, Aisling Hill, Tanya Ray and Tríona Sings.

The inaugural edition of The Secret Singers took place in Axis in November 2023 with the fabulous Asha Ari, Caitlin Donovan and Farah Elle.

The Secret Singers

Cover Photo: Ecardo Baader

The Secret Singers is a platform for diverse singers who sing beautifully but who are not yet known, curated and produced by Tríona Ní Dhuibhir with Axis Ballymun. 

This initiative is funded by The Arts Council as part of Axis Ballymun’s Artist Residency Programme. Axis Ballymun is core funded by Dublin City Council with creative programming supports from The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon.