A musical journey from Berlin to Broadway
This show was a big milestone for me. I was lucky that so many great people helped. The absolutely fabulous Karen Egan was hugely generous with her time and tips, which set me on my way. The great Monica Spencer wrote catchy copy and the lovely people of Bewleys Café Theatre lit me up.
I was accompanied, literally, by the best musicians in town. It was a joy to work with Music Director Cian Boylan, who arranged the pieces, and the most skilled band around - Dan Bodwell, Paul Byrne and Guy Rickarby. Sharing a stage with these guys was a great privilege. It lifted me up.
The music was everything. Every single one of those 21 songs – including the poetic wisdom of Jacques Brel, the intriguing drama of Kurt Weill and the glitzy showstoppers of John Kander and Fred Ebb, stole my heart and mind. I worked hard at making each song my own.
People liked the show. I wanted to tour it everywhere. I had three children instead.
I am left with the pics – and for these I thank the wonderful Ecardo Baader.